Biometrics Basic

Ready to be identified?

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By body odor or by butt scan? you choose. Neither is not the answer as the brave new world of has opened up for the revolution of biometrics. Biomarkers such as scent, unique face shape and DNA matching are able to perform various things for you including opening up the door for you, start your car, let you vote or even even let you take an exam!

This is the tremendous function of BIOMETRICS. This is not the distant future, but government are rolling out massive biometric identification programs. As for scientists, the race is on and managed to discover workable biomarkers that has go much more further than just the plain iris scan and fingerprints that we have now.

Lets begin our introduction to the world of tremendous BIOMETRICS!

The term of biometric is derived from the Greek words “bio” (life) and “metric” (to measure). In information technology, biometrics denote to technologies that measure and analyze human’s physical and other traits, such as DNA, fingerprints, irises, voice patterns, facial patterns and hand measurements prior for authentication purposes.

 “Biometric utilizes the technology of a computer to recognize physical and behavior characteristics of a human.  These traits are captured by a computer and used to make one-to-one authentication and one-to-many comparison based on unique features(Visonics, 2001)”.

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